Donna, John, and Chelsea in the corne getting our meeting started. it was way fun, and way full. a ton of people showed up, i think it was pretty darn close to 50!

Its blurry, but this is stephanie. she ran the meeting and she crowened me too. i love her so much! <3

This is me and my dad, he escorted me up to the east, and made mom cry, lol, love ya mom. we all carried up lily's, my term flower.

This is Uncle Keith walking Michelle up to the east. Cathy Shoupe is the one in the back, she was reading little poem like things as we walked up, it was beautiful.

This is Tammie walking Rori up to the east, she was so happy, she grinned all morning. i think Rori was the only one still bouncing around while the rest of us were trying not to throw up, mainly me, i was so nervous, it was a big day for me and i wanted everything to go great, expecialy for my girls.

Uncle Keith again, but this time walking Caundi up. we had two other girls, Misti and Tiann, vut they walked in alone, only the line officers were escorted. they were good sports, and soon enough it will e there turn. :)

Everyone standing as Sara put the Bible on the Alter. you can also see (from left to right on the front row) Jaimie, Teresa, Mom, Zach, Steve, and Doug Shoupe. not sure who else is in the back, i think it was mostly grand officers and Warrens.

Me and all my girls waiting to get our new stations. Me in front then behind me right to left, Rori, Chaundi, then in back Misti, Michelle, and Tiann...i just realized i had no purple seat cover...lol...wierd...

This is my beautiful Michelle getting crowned Jr.princess! she was not to happy with all the cameras in the room, but she is a good sport and usualy a lot happier, lol. love you michelle, you are doing fantastic!

This is Stephanie crowning me at the Alter. Jaimie holding the Gavel for steph while she was crowning me. lots of people cried, mom, dad, aunt april, everyone started crying when Michelle got crowned and it just continued when i went up. Stephanie did a good job of holding herself together, she did tell me to shut up at one point cus i told her not to cry as her voice started to crack. :)

this is me up at the east getting the rest of my stuff. i got my copy of the bylaws, and roberts rules. it all came in a pretty bag, lol.

This was after the meeting. we had a buch of group pictures. this was one where we had to smile, but i think we were all looking at a diffrent camera, there were only about 12 of them, lol.

And now, the picture you've all been waiting for....us being dorks!!! the girls all grabbed at me, and knocked my crown off, it went flying! so this was after we got my crown back, Tiann may be small, but the girl almost toppled mo onto her and Chaundi, it took some balance with that cape on not to fall even without her help, lol. i love my girls and we had so much flippin fun. we even had kisses downstairs that mached the colour theme, pink blue and silver! <3