my title says it all. :P so i have been hanging with lots of friends lately, still trying to hang with a fue busy birds, but i love them the same, even if i dont talk to them much and get to show it. <3 but its been fun, i like i busy life, i like always having something to do and always being on the move, it keeps drama and stress of of my mind.
as far as dating, i am now seeing a boy named Sage. he is super sweet, and tottaly cute. he treats me so well, even though we have only been together a fue days. :D he has a little 18 month old girl names Leilha, but sadly, her mother ran out on her. but he is a great guy, i like him a lot and i think he is a great father. :D
as far as the fashion, i posted about my dress last time, but i still am in love with it and cant go without telling ppl!!! oh, and, a bit of a change, i am a blonde now....yes ppl, blonde. lol. i have teal streaks in it, so its a little crazy, but i like the change. its always fun to try somthing new and fun. its refreshing to have that change, even if it is only temporary....well maybe i am just nuts, but thats how it is for me. :P
well i should probebly go to bed, i have to help my friend pack tomorrow morning. OH!!! i almost forgot!!!! i am going back to school1!!! i will be starting in about 2 months, maybe sooner. i am off to Clearfield to get my buisness management degree, and who knows, maybe something in the art, or graphic design maybe....? i will let everyone know as soon as i know for sure. :) <3
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
What happens when i go to the movies!!
ok, so its nearly midningt, probably will be when i am done with this. :P so, i only have to go see Dr.
Vranes one more time and i will be all fixed up!!! yay!!!! he is a new, but he is amazing. a wanted Dr.
Ellis, but he was booked, and Dr.Vranes turned out to be just a good. :) i go in on wednesday at 5:30.
so yeah. just had to do an online happy dance.
ok, so i went yesterday with dad to se the new movie
Avitar, LOVED IT!!!!! *cough cough*
back on i was bored and had dressed up
earlier, and didnt want to dress back down
just to sity in the dark. so i had on my blue cocktail
dress and some brown heels. i was walking down
one of the rows to sit down and someone had dropped
a nacho at the last show. well, i stepped on
it, and normally it wouldnt bother me, but i stepped on
it with the only spot on my shoe. so i went flying,
tried to catch myself on one of the chairs, and broke
the cupholder. i have internal and external
bruising all over my right side, 3 bruised ribs,
i think one may be cracked, a twisted ancle, and
internal bruising on my leg. yes i know i am an uber
clutz, oh well. :P so dont eat nachos, they try to
kill you!!! ROFL!!!!!
anyways, i also wanted to report, i have my dress for the dance now!!! hooray!!!!! i will get photos up when i can. its so pretty!!! so i think i wll go to bed now, its getting late...or maybe i will watch a movie with brandon and isacc....mob movies are always good....yeah. Night!!! <3
Vranes one more time and i will be all fixed up!!! yay!!!! he is a new, but he is amazing. a wanted Dr.
Ellis, but he was booked, and Dr.Vranes turned out to be just a good. :) i go in on wednesday at 5:30.
so yeah. just had to do an online happy dance.
ok, so i went yesterday with dad to se the new movie
Avitar, LOVED IT!!!!! *cough cough*
back on i was bored and had dressed up
earlier, and didnt want to dress back down
just to sity in the dark. so i had on my blue cocktail
dress and some brown heels. i was walking down
one of the rows to sit down and someone had dropped
a nacho at the last show. well, i stepped on
it, and normally it wouldnt bother me, but i stepped on
it with the only spot on my shoe. so i went flying,
tried to catch myself on one of the chairs, and broke
the cupholder. i have internal and external
bruising all over my right side, 3 bruised ribs,
i think one may be cracked, a twisted ancle, and
internal bruising on my leg. yes i know i am an uber
clutz, oh well. :P so dont eat nachos, they try to
kill you!!! ROFL!!!!!
anyways, i also wanted to report, i have my dress for the dance now!!! hooray!!!!! i will get photos up when i can. its so pretty!!! so i think i wll go to bed now, its getting late...or maybe i will watch a movie with brandon and isacc....mob movies are always good....yeah. Night!!! <3
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
ok, so i feel like its so over due for an update, its beel nearly a year! ok, so i have been dealing with a lot. i lost many friends, but am slowly regaining the trust of those that matter to me. i lived in Logen for a bit, that was some adventure. I then told my roommates i wanted to move back home, and before i could explain why or anything, they were telling me that my things would be sold, so i went up there with Brandon, two police officers, and dad to get my things. i got told repetedly i was discusting and horrid and needed to go die. this is one reason i lost so many friends, becuse they convinced me that my other friends were doing to me everything they were actually doing.
so then i moved back home, and am so happy now. but they will not stop texting and calling me! i am going insane! i have not been able to get her things back to her bacouse i got hurt badly when i fell and it kills me to move to much, let alone run around town. so i plan on having dad go get me the stuff i need to send them back to her, so that way i can my things back and be done with this bull crap!
as most of you know, i got a tattoo as well. it is to honor the life of my dear cousin Curtis. he committed suicide just over two years go. i miss him greatly and love him dearly....may he rest in peace. <3
so i slipped and fell about 2 weeks ago. i got hurt bad, lots of things messed up, more so than before. i blacked out mid step, and slipped, hit my tailbone (i had already messed up my tailbone when i got in the 4wheeler crash and in the car wreck over the summer.) then my back had be bad, but now it NEVER EVER stops hurting. then i woke back up as i hit my right shoulder on the cement, and that already needs surgery as it is (funny shaped bone causing damage and deteration) and cought myself on my left wrist, and that coused a hairline fracture on my wrist and pinky. so all that, plus the pinched nerves in my back and neck are causing me to have migranes nearly 24/7.
well, those are the big things that i can think of right now, so yeah. if i think of ant more i will post again. i hope to be on here more often, considering its the on webpage that i can vent without my crazy ex-roommates seeing what i write. they stalk every site i have that they have to....yeah i know, creepy right? anyways, much love, and until next time, Auf Wiedersehen, dear ones, Bis Demnachst!!!! <3
so then i moved back home, and am so happy now. but they will not stop texting and calling me! i am going insane! i have not been able to get her things back to her bacouse i got hurt badly when i fell and it kills me to move to much, let alone run around town. so i plan on having dad go get me the stuff i need to send them back to her, so that way i can my things back and be done with this bull crap!
as most of you know, i got a tattoo as well. it is to honor the life of my dear cousin Curtis. he committed suicide just over two years go. i miss him greatly and love him dearly....may he rest in peace. <3
so i slipped and fell about 2 weeks ago. i got hurt bad, lots of things messed up, more so than before. i blacked out mid step, and slipped, hit my tailbone (i had already messed up my tailbone when i got in the 4wheeler crash and in the car wreck over the summer.) then my back had be bad, but now it NEVER EVER stops hurting. then i woke back up as i hit my right shoulder on the cement, and that already needs surgery as it is (funny shaped bone causing damage and deteration) and cought myself on my left wrist, and that coused a hairline fracture on my wrist and pinky. so all that, plus the pinched nerves in my back and neck are causing me to have migranes nearly 24/7.
well, those are the big things that i can think of right now, so yeah. if i think of ant more i will post again. i hope to be on here more often, considering its the on webpage that i can vent without my crazy ex-roommates seeing what i write. they stalk every site i have that they have to....yeah i know, creepy right? anyways, much love, and until next time, Auf Wiedersehen, dear ones, Bis Demnachst!!!! <3
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
JD Installation of officers!!! <33

Donna, John, and Chelsea in the corne getting our meeting started. it was way fun, and way full. a ton of people showed up, i think it was pretty darn close to 50!

Its blurry, but this is stephanie. she ran the meeting and she crowened me too. i love her so much! <3

This is me and my dad, he escorted me up to the east, and made mom cry, lol, love ya mom. we all carried up lily's, my term flower.

This is Uncle Keith walking Michelle up to the east. Cathy Shoupe is the one in the back, she was reading little poem like things as we walked up, it was beautiful.

This is Tammie walking Rori up to the east, she was so happy, she grinned all morning. i think Rori was the only one still bouncing around while the rest of us were trying not to throw up, mainly me, i was so nervous, it was a big day for me and i wanted everything to go great, expecialy for my girls.

Uncle Keith again, but this time walking Caundi up. we had two other girls, Misti and Tiann, vut they walked in alone, only the line officers were escorted. they were good sports, and soon enough it will e there turn. :)

Everyone standing as Sara put the Bible on the Alter. you can also see (from left to right on the front row) Jaimie, Teresa, Mom, Zach, Steve, and Doug Shoupe. not sure who else is in the back, i think it was mostly grand officers and Warrens.

Me and all my girls waiting to get our new stations. Me in front then behind me right to left, Rori, Chaundi, then in back Misti, Michelle, and Tiann...i just realized i had no purple seat

This is my beautiful Michelle getting crowned Jr.princess! she was not to happy with all the cameras in the room, but she is a good sport and usualy a lot happier, lol. love you michelle, you are doing fantastic!

This is Stephanie crowning me at the Alter. Jaimie holding the Gavel for steph while she was crowning me. lots of people cried, mom, dad, aunt april, everyone started crying when Michelle got crowned and it just continued when i went up. Stephanie did a good job of holding herself together, she did tell me to shut up at one point cus i told her not to cry as her voice started to crack. :)

this is me up at the east getting the rest of my stuff. i got my copy of the bylaws, and roberts rules. it all came in a pretty bag, lol.

This was after the meeting. we had a buch of group pictures. this was one where we had to smile, but i think we were all looking at a diffrent camera, there were only about 12 of them, lol.

And now, the picture you've all been waiting being dorks!!! the girls all grabbed at me, and knocked my crown off, it went flying! so this was after we got my crown back, Tiann may be small, but the girl almost toppled mo onto her and Chaundi, it took some balance with that cape on not to fall even without her help, lol. i love my girls and we had so much flippin fun. we even had kisses downstairs that mached the colour theme, pink blue and silver! <3
Friday, January 16, 2009
THE BET IS ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, i am a betting person, but i also have a thing with chopping off all my hair. i am not the only one with a habit i am trying to break...Karrie is trying to stop drinking coca cola, again. lol. So, while talking on the phone, she bet me i couldn't grow my hair out, that i would cut it all off. And that was the start of the bet. she bet that i could not keep myself from cutting my hair as long as she would go without drinking a coke. well i have news for you missy, you are about to have your rear handed to you! i am so going to win this bet, cus i am the best!!! I AM THE WHITTER-JITTER-KITTY-LITTER!!!!!! i will not be defeated!!!! but, one thing is missing from this lovly little bet (the one you are going to loose Karrie! *evil grin*) what we shall get from the loser of this lovly what shall it be????? as soon as we have that little factor the bet can truly begin!!!!!! get ready to be crushed!!! *another evil grin* love you, but i wont give up! :)
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Tater Tots and Olive Covored Noses

I have to say this was a very cooky night. it was
tons of fun, we were taking the kids to see the Twilight
movie for the first time (the secrets out, brandon is the
only Roper who isnt a twilight-aholic) and we went
to taco time for dinner. these are some of the fun decorations
that makes Taco Time stand out. they are diffrent types
of wolfs and i just could not help myself.

This was a rainbow piniata that was only a foot or
so away from where we were sitting, it was so cute
i had to share it. oh, and the blue triangle in the background
is distracting. if you look at the picture long enough, you
will see things that were not there before. it is absolute fun!

DRINKS!!! it was random, and i just couldnt help myself.

This one was taken for the same reason as the drinks,
i could not help myself. they were calling to me, the
glorious tater tots...they are

This is me, yes wonderful, stressing me. i was right
next to the window so my dad let me wear his hoodie
he got from the perrys, it is warm. i needed the
down time, it was nice and relaxing. i had a great time
with my family, it was tons of fun and its one of those
nights you will never forget, you will be driving
down the street, see a taco time, and smile.

Misti, misti, misti. i told them that they had to do
something funny for the picture (yes, i AM the
exeption to my own rule! hehe.) and she thoght that
putting an olive on her nose was a brilliant idea.
i must say, its very creative, but it looks like she has
a bug on her nose, a wonderful big black
bug..randomness to the max man!

My Zach. he is cute to the extreme, no matter how
nutty he is trying to be. he was so thrilled to be having
a fun night out. after the movie, we asked him what
he thought the best part was, and like any typical buy,
his responce was " when the short brown haired
vampire jumped on the evil vamire and ripped his head
off so they could burn it!!!" it was so funny, we all
started laughing. it was a good night, and i am glad
everyone had a good time.

My dad started the noght of goofy, randomness
photos. i told him to smile, and this is what i got. he
was happ to be out and eating tacos, he sure
does love his taco time. thanks for helping me plan
such a fun night out, it is a shame brandon could
not have been there, but we will get him, yes, we will....
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