Ok, its time to meet my family, the ppl who mean the most to me. First, there is my amazing father. he is funny and sweet. He can put a smile on anyone's face. I am so glad he is as wonderful of a person as he is, don't change a thing! "George, George, George of the jungle...WATCH OUT FOR THAT TREE!!!" its an inside joke with our amazingly wondreful best friends in the whole world, the Perry family. It is one of many Blacksmith Fork stories, we love you 'George'!!

Next is my totaly kick butt rocker of a brother, Brandon. As all brothers and sisters do, we fight, but he is my hero. He has helped me through so many hard times, and he has always been there to listen. He would kick the crap out of anyone who hurt someone he loved, but he is not mean or gruff, he is sweet and tender hearted. He is nice to everyone he meets, and he gives everyone a chance. He loves to sing and play guitar, he won't gloat about his talent, so family and friends do it for him. Love you with all my heart big brother, never change!

This is my sister Misti, she ROCKS!!! she is a dorky little red-head that everyone loves. She has a beautiful voice and she is amazing at dancing. She is a great problem solver and she helps out wherever she can. She loves every one of Gods creations, no matter how big, small, cute, ugly, sick, or healthy. She wants to be a vet when she grows up, and if you know her, it makes sense. She is extremly friendly, and she loves water. One of her favriote things to do is to swim, she IS the little mermaid, she swims like there is no tomorrow. Stay funny cute and sweet my wonderful sister, you're loved!

And last but not least, the Tigger! or as the Perrys call him, Zach Attack! This is a sweet, funny, and hyper little boy who never runs out of energy! One thing we will never forget is when he was being babysat by Karrie. he was just old enough to crawl, but man could he crawl fast. He was crawling around by her bathroom, she turned her back for 2 seconds, and when she turned back to look at him, he had crawled into the bathroom and unrolled the whole roll of toilet paper onto the floor!! We love our Tigger Bigger! and yes, that is a whole uncooked hot dog in his mouth, he thought it sounded yummy at 2 am!
What a fun blog. George or should I say Joesph O you have stolen my heart and everyone elses who knows you. Brandon, Misti, and Zach Whitney hit the nail on the head for each and everyone of you...We do love you guys tons! Whitney you are some kind of writer. You need to keep doing this...this is a great way to express yourself for all of us who love you. The Ropers Rock!!!!!
oh whitters this is so cool!!! i have not done one on my family yet and i should! but i think that it will be nothing commpered to yours! man the love for your family almost glows out of the page!!! i love you whitters and we should connect blogs some time!
oh and by the way whitney i love you so much but ill the pics i have are old and i want a newer one of you!!! and that is not even half of my crew! so if i can ill try to get a picture of you later! love ya tons!!!
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